Regardless of whether students intend to go onto University or go straight into employment following their A Levels, it is vitally important that students take advantage of all the careers provision that is available to them at Riddlesdown Collegiate. Careers Education and Guidance is vital and will equip students with the skills knowledge and understanding required to ensure their future success in their chosen field. 

Crucially students need to develop an in-depth understanding of career options and need to develop a level of self awareness to hone their decision making skills, furthermore they will benefit from developing the skills, knowledge and understanding to make effective transitions throughout their career and not just the next transition.

Our University and Careers support includes: 

  • One to one support for Oxbridge and Medical applications
  • A dedicated Careers and University week
  • Independent careers advice
  • High quality apprenticeship support
  • A dedicated Director of Careers
  • Support through our tutor and PSHEE programme
  • University trips and residentials
  • The Social Mobility Foundation