Students are given opportunities to participate and gain insight into the world of work through the volunteering section of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Students and parents are invited to attend an options evening where they can talk to teachers about course content as well as the types of careers their subjects can link to.

During PDT, students are guided through the Start Profile website with guided time to explore career paths and sectors that interest them, with an emphasis on which subjects are needed at GCSE to succeed. As part of this process, students use labour market information to help inform their choices.

In their PSHCE lessons, students revisit the educational pathways with a focus on options for Level 2 qualifications such as GCSE’s and Vocational Level 2’s. As part of the Year 9 PSHCE scheme of work, focus is placed on challenging stereotypes within the workplace and challenging views and opinions surrounding gender ratios in certain sectors.

During PSHCE lessons, all students partake in a Business Enterprise project where in teams, students create an idea for a product which is put forward in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitch.

Students gain the opportunity to meet face to face with a range of local business people in a speed networking event.

Students receive a careers lesson linked to subjects during National Careers Week.